Gabriele Nagel: “Metabolic factors and the risk of small intestine cancers in the Metabolic factors and cancer (Me-can) project”. Deutsch Gesellschaft für Epidemiologie, Ulm, Germany. September 2019
Tanja Stocks: “Obesity and smoking-related cancers: The Me-Can Study”, The 10th Diabetes and Cancer Research Consortium (DCRC) workshop, Malmö, Sweden. September 2019
Josef Fritz: “Insulin resistance measured by the triglyceride-glucose index and risk of obesity-related cancers: An epidemiological investigation in more than 500,000 individuals”, The American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, United States. June 2019
Christel Häggström: “Overweight and kidney cancer”. Börje Ljungberg-dagen, Umeå, Sweden. September 2017
Presentations based on the Me-Can project between 2009 to 2015 can be found here